Dear Bully does an excellent Job of helping young people realise they are not alone and emphasises the importance of showing the commonalities among people. The book does this by showing the audience a collection of well written bullying stories from a wide range of authors. While no two stories are the same, all of them share a very uplifting message that shows readers that things can get better.
Dear Bully also manages to talk about a bigger issue that happens in most schools and workplaces around the world - the concept of ‘them’ and ‘us’. People (especially young people) are often segregated if they don’t follow the crowd. This book shows that individuality will end up being the thing that draws people to you, not away from you.
The stories in Dear Bully are short so you can read as many as you have time for. If you’re like me and love reading you will get a lot of enjoyment from the variety of stories. There is a great diversity of themes, so there should be something for everyone to enjoy.
Overall, I found this collection to be very inspiring. Through the experiences of the authors, the reader gets a very clear message of hope. I feel that if a young person experiencing bullying were to read this book, they would find comfort in seeing that help is available and their situation can get better.
Disclaimer: Please note these reviews are not intended as endorsements or recommendations from the Mental Health Foundation. This feature introduces resources that may be useful for individuals with an interest in bullying prevention, mental health and wellbeing topics.