Review by Rachel McLean, Darfield College
Mind your head
Juno Dawson (2016). Hot Key Books, UK
Juno Dawson leads the way with this frank, factual and funny book, with added information and support from clinical psychologist Dr Olivia Hewitt.

Mind Your Head is an excellent book that helps to inform people about mental health-related topics.

The book is fairly short but covers an extensive range of subjects, including how to look after your wellbeing and access help if you need it.

The stigma around mental distress is very real and Dawson has done an amazing job of incorporating his own personal experiences within the book, which helps readers know they are not alone, and that mental health is not something to be afraid of.

Not only is this book written by someone who has struggled and is still struggling with mental health issues, but each topic has been backed up with statistics and an excerpt from clinical psychologist Dr Olivia Hewitt. The book is also full of small activities and many illustrations by Gemma Correll, some of which showcase that mental health can and should be easier to talk about.

Whilst I found myself battling through each page at times, I strongly recommend this book to everyone out there regardless. Be kind to those around you and ask for help if you need to. It’s about time we normalise mental health. This book is a notable start.

Disclaimer: Please note these reviews are not intended as endorsements or recommendations from the Mental Health Foundation. This feature introduces resources that may be useful for individuals with an interest in bullying prevention, mental health and wellbeing topics.

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