Review by Jack (5 years), mum Elissa Jordan, and grandparents.
My shadow is pink
Stewart, S. (2021). Larrikin House.
My Shadow is Pink is about a young boy, born with a pink shadow that loves princess, dresses & "things not for boys".

I thought it was a good playful story that showed it is ok to be different! I liked the dressing up and the way the boy wore a dress and the dad did too.  I liked the way the kids changed their behaviour and accepted him the second time he went to school with his dad supporting him too.

Review by Jack, 5 years

A wonderful, well-told and relatable story about being inclusive and diversity, acceptance and tolerance.  The rhyming makes it enjoyable and catches children’s attention during storytelling and provides an opportunity for discussion about the messaging.  A great book for families who aren’t comfortable or accustomed to a different way of seeing things.

Grandparents and mum

Disclaimer: Please note these reviews are not intended as endorsements or recommendations from the Mental Health Foundation. This feature introduces resources that may be useful for individuals with an interest in bullying prevention, mental health and wellbeing topics.

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