Play Your Best Card is a card game developed by the Health Promotion Agency. It is a team-based game that encourages teens to have conversations on a range of topics relevant to young people, such as bullying. It also encourages them to discuss challenges and what to do in a range of different situations.
The packaging is cute and simple, but slightly plain. The choice of card colours is fun and give you a positive view of the game before you have even started. The pictures on the cards make the game feel more personal and realistic. The descriptive words on the character cards beneath each character help personalise the characters and allow you to tie their personality in with the story. The settings are also diverse, and the emoji and hashtags used on the feelings cards make the game more relatable to teens. The instructions were unclear at first but became clear once things got underway.
I see this game working well in health classes in schools. It also allows you to be creative and to think about what the best actions are in different situations. It's a great game to help teens and even adults to learn to be safe and how to react in difficult situations. I really enjoyed this game and would recommend it to almost anyone.
Information page on the game.
Disclaimer: Please note these reviews are not intended as endorsements or recommendations from the Mental Health Foundation. This feature introduces resources that may be useful for individuals with an interest in bullying prevention, mental health and wellbeing topics.