Stand Up! by Wendy L. Moss is a great resource for teachers, parents, sports coaches, community leaders, workplaces, or just anyone that wants to teach children and adults the importance of being an upstander to make the world a better place.
So many students and adults of today are often happy to take the role of being either the passive or aggressive communicator when it comes to bullying. A lot of young people today are scared of ‘narking’ or being a ‘snitch’, or of being targeted for sticking up for what they know is right - due to these labels, they often allow bullying to happen right in front of them. This book concentrates on the concept of being an upstander and looks at strategies such as being kind to yourself, skills to help others, how to respectfully deal with conflict, changing patterns, and making a plan to make a difference as to how we can all be assertive when it comes to bullying.
Stand Up! has a great layout for educators to use - the beginning of each section has a quiz to make your students think about some of the important aspects of the section, making individuals reflect on where they currently stand. This is then followed up by relevant and easy to read information related to the topic. The best part is that each section has real life scenarios with questions to follow that I think students aged Yr 7-10 in particular will really relate to.
A great book to delve into the process of being an upstander, not a bystander!
Disclaimer: Please note these reviews are not intended as endorsements or recommendations from the Mental Health Foundation. This feature introduces resources that may be useful for individuals with an interest in bullying prevention, mental health and wellbeing topics.