Review by Jacoba Glenny, Years 6, 7 and 8 Teacher
Step up! My anti-bullying activity book
Josephine Dellow. (2021). Welbeck Children’s Books
This activity book provides a wide-ranging set of activities for a child to unpack their experiences of bullying.

Step Up: My Anti-Bullying Activity Book provides a wide-ranging set of activities for a child to unpack their experiences of bullying. The activities are attractive and engaging, providing scenarios and practical, positive strategies for dealing with bullying. It covers bullying from the receiving end, but also how to be an upstander for others who are experiencing bullying. 

There are many activities within the book to help students identify who the positive people in their lives are who they can ask for help and some ways to support themselves with self-love and positive affirmations. There are great calming strategies and outlets to share any worries and anxiety included in the book as well. 

Overall, the book feels very positive and uplifting even when tackling a very negative topic and each activity helps students find a positive and proactive way of moving forward from bullying experiences. 

I only wish that the book was made into a reproducible set of resources for teachers, as it is important to note that this resource is designed to be used by one child only and not reproducible.

Disclaimer: Please note these reviews are not intended as endorsements or recommendations from the Mental Health Foundation. This feature introduces resources that may be useful for individuals with an interest in bullying prevention, mental health and wellbeing topics.

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