Pamphlets, Websites and Social Media for Schools
Web and social media links for Pink Shirt Day and other anti-bullying organisations.

Bullying-Free New Zealand
The website has information, research and resources to help schools and communities respond to bullying. It's an initiative from the Bullying Prevention Advisory Group, which is made up of 18 agencies committed to reducing bullying in New Zealand schools.

ICON – Incase of online negativity
A practical tool created by teens to help deal with negativity online.

Bryan and Bobby
Constable Bryan Ward and his furry friend Bobby look at how you can keep yourself, your friends and your family safe at home, at school and in your community. The dynamic duo use plenty of humour, the talents of local kids and the help of special celebrity guests to get their messages to their young friends.

Be the Change
Be The Change NZ, supported by Youthline and inspired by anti-bullying programmes all over the world, including NZ.

Bullying: Getting picked on so much it’s wearing you down?
Bullying is a serious problem that can disrupt your life and lead to physical and emotional health problems. If you’re going through any problems like this because of bullying, have a korero to someone you trust or check out this site.

A friendly and accessible learning resource to help increase understanding and support of sex, gender and sexuality diversity, so we can all belong.

Report online incidents with NetSafe
Internet safety organisation NetSafe provides a timely and effective service for victims of cyber-bullying to get help. If you've been cyber-bullied you can fill out an online form or call 0508 NETSAFE (638723)

What to do if you're being cyberbullied
The Harmful Digital Communications Act 2015 is bringing in new ways to help victims of cyberbullying and other modern forms of harassment and intimidation. A flowchart shows how victims can get help.

Bullying is a serious problem that can disrupt your life and lead to physical and emotional health problems. If you’re going through any problems like this because of bullying, have a korero to someone you trust or check out this site.
Problems at school, Citizens Advice Bureau
Includes sections called 'My child’s being bullied at school. What can I do about it?' as well as 'I told the school about my child being bullied but they haven’t done anything to fix the problem. What should I do?'.

Human Rights Commission – School violence, bullying and abuse
The Human Rights Commission was set up in 1977 and works under the Human Rights Act 1993. The HRC's purpose is to promote and protect the human rights of all people in Aotearoa New Zealand. They work for a free, fair, safe and just New Zealand, where diversity is valued and human dignity and rights are respected. The HRC has published an analysis of the human rights issues in situations of school bullying, harassment and/or violence, to help make schools safer for everyone.

Rights at school – bullying
Youthlaw webpage giving advice for young people on dealing with bullying at school.

Kidpower, teenpower, fullpower
A charitable trust that provides effective, positive and fun training in violence prevention, personal safety and self-defence for real life situations, suitable for all ages and all abilities.
Positive relationship quiz
Whether you are in a long-term or casual relationship, you deserve to be treated well and ensure that you are treating your partner respectfully. Take the quiz to see how healthy your relationship is.
International websites

An Australian online mental health organisation for young people and their parents. Their practical support, tools and tips to help young people get through anything from everyday issues to tough times.
Stop Bullying, US
A federal government website managed by the US Department of Health & Human Services; includes section on why they don’t use the word “bully” to label kids.
Ken Rigby, AUS
Over the last 25 years Professor Ken Rigby has been a national consultant for schools and a leading international authority in bullying and victimisation in schools.
UNESCO school violence and bullying
International website with reports, resources and campaigns for organisations and schools across the world.
Kōrero Mai, Kōrero Atu, Mauri Tū, Mauri Ora
Speak Up, Stand Together, Stop Bullying!