What Can We Do to Prevent Bullying in Schools?

A selection of national and international research on the prevention of bullying at schools.
The role of family and school-level factors in bullying and cyberbullying: A cross-sectional study
The role of family and school-level factors in bullying and cyberbullying: A cross-sectional study
Bevilacqua, L., Shackleton, N., & Hale, D., et al. (2017, July 11). BMC Pediatrics, 17(1), 160. doi: 10.1186/s12887-017- 0907-8. Bullying victimization and cyberbullying prevalence vary across school type and school quality, supporting the hypothesis that organisational/management factors within the school may have an impact on students' behaviour. These findings will inform future longitudinal research investigating which school factors and processes promote or prevent bullying and cyberbullying behaviours.
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Making a difference to student wellbeing – a data exploration
Making a difference to student wellbeing – a data exploration
Lawes, E., & Boyd, S. (2018).  NZCER. The authors used Wellbeing@School survey data. This data was provided by 400 New Zealand schools from 2013 to 2016 to assess what the data could tell us about the effective components of a Whole School Approach. They focused on all students, as well as Māori and Pasifika students.
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Educating for diversity: An evaluation of a sexuality diversity workshop to address secondary school bullying
Educating for diversity: An evaluation of a sexuality diversity workshop to address secondary school bullying
Lucassen, M.F. & Burford, J. (2015, October 23). Australas Psychiatry, 23(5),544-9. Sexuality-based bullying is commonplace in secondary schools. This form of bullying is associated with depression and suicide attempts. Reducing sexuality-based bullying is very likely to have a positive impact on the mental health of young people. Brief workshops, as a part of a wider suite of interventions, have some potential to create safer school environments.
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Effectiveness of anti-bullying school programmes: A systematic review by evidence levels
Effectiveness of anti-bullying school programmes: A systematic review by evidence levels
Jimenez Barbero, J.A., et al. (2012, September). Children and Youth Services Review, 34(9), 1646–1658. Researchers found evidence of the effectiveness of interventions aimed at reducing bullying. There is a great heterogeneity in the design of such school interventions. The most used outcome measures are related to attitudes, beliefs and behaviours. Social and cultural factors are not taken into account when designing the programs. Interventions are most successful when they involve parents, teachers and students.
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Not every school’s anti-bullying program works – some may actually make bullying worse
Not every school’s anti-bullying program works – some may actually make bullying worse
Healy, K. (n.d.). The Conversation. This paper is an overview of recent, primarily academic literature on youth (ages 12-18) and cyberbullying and seeks to translate scholarly work for a public audience. Many anti-bullying programs in schools rely on witnesses to stand up to bullies. This is good in theory but an evaluation of such programs has found in some cases, interference can worsen the problem.
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What are the best ways to prevent bullying in schools?
What are the best ways to prevent bullying in schools?
(2019). Greater Good. A blog post describing a new study which identifies effective approaches to bullying prevention.
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Making a difference to student wellbeing
Making a difference to student wellbeing
Lawes, E., & Boyd, S. (2017). NZCER.    Infographic-style research summary. 
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Spotlight on counter-bullying pedagogies
Spotlight on counter-bullying pedagogies
Ministry of Education. Education Counts. (n.d.). Retrieved August 20, 2018.  This web page for teachers presents information and resources on how to implement effective cooperative learning strategies and build a climate that counter bullying. 
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Positive relationships, bullying prevention and early support needed for young people’s mental wellbeing
Positive relationships, bullying prevention and early support needed for young people’s mental wellbeing
Research published by Growing Up in New Zealand shows the importance of strong positive relationships for young people’s mental health and the negative impact of bullying.
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