Book Reviews / Workplace, 20 Mar 24
Review by Huhana Mason, Primary Health Counsellor
Preventing workplace bullying and harassment
Olsen, H. (2022). CCH New Zealand Limited.
Hadyn Olsen is a consultant specialising in the prevention of bullying and harassment, his experience working with numerous organisations in this field form the basis of this practical guide.

Preventing workplace bullying and harassment is a resource that delivers valuable information on the many complexities of workplace bullying and harassment, and advocates for healthy team models and prevention programmes.

Hayden has extensive working experience of workplace bullying through his previous employment where he has created essential reports and resources for employees, managers and supervisors on how to address workplace bullying and harassment. 

It provides an in depth understanding of the ways of thinking around bullying and harassment, informing the reader of the workplace bullying experience, behaviour, and cultural issues associated with workplace bullying. It provides distinctions of the different forms of harassment and associated impacts on employees and the wider organisation.  Hayden offers clarification of why people bully and harass and why they stop. 

He provides a useful legal framework section that looks at employment, health and safety, human rights, and relevant government acts that provide constructive information on essential information required to address bullying and harassment in the working environment.

Hayden offers case studies on what can go wrong, and looks at alternative approaches, with a helpful section on how to work with people who present concerns and how to respond to them in a helpful manner and addressing how to find appropriate solutions.

The book has constructive options for informal and formal interventions across a range of different situations that guide workplaces in facilitated processes with case study examples.  Along with a useful troubleshooting section that looks at health team models, issues of trust and working in collaboration.

A final section discusses an example of a prevention programme and future training sessions that are available for workplaces to engage with that educates employees on workplace bullying and harassment.

Preventing Workplace Bullying and Harassment is an essential resource for all workplaces that provides guidance on how to provide safe and healthy workplace environments for all staff to work in.  Great resource for all employees and employers.

Disclaimer: Please note these reviews are not intended as endorsements or recommendations from the Mental Health Foundation. This feature introduces resources that may be useful for individuals with an interest in bullying prevention, mental health and wellbeing topics.

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