Kaiako/teacher guide
Ideas and inspiration to help teachers bring Pink Shirt Day to life at kura or school.
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Child protection guidelines, NZ Police
These guidelines should be followed when Police or others provide education about child protection.

Our kind of school
Student, whānau, staff, and school community views on what makes positive, inclusive, safe school environments where bullying is prevented and responded to.

Effectiveness of anti-bullying school programmes: A systematic review by evidence levels
Jimenez Barbero, J.A., et al. (2012, September). Children and Youth Services Review, 34(9), 1646–1658. Researchers found evidence of the effectiveness of interventions aimed at reducing bullying. There is a great heterogeneity in the design of such school interventions. The most used outcome measures are related to attitudes, beliefs and behaviours. Social and cultural factors are not taken into account when designing the programs. Interventions are most successful when they involve parents, teachers and students.
Kōrero Mai, Kōrero Atu, Mauri Tū, Mauri Ora
Speak Up, Stand Together, Stop Bullying!