Downloadable Resources
Ngā rauemi
Showing all Resources (34 results, page 1 of 6)
For Whānau, For Workplaces, For Schools

About bullying
It isn’t uncommon to hear someone say something insensitive or mean to someone else. Although these comments or actions are not okay, bullying has some specific features that make it much more serious and harmful.
For Schools, For Workplaces, For Whānau

Accordion resource
A fold out wallet sized accordion resource with information about bullying prevention and the Upstander actions.
For Workplaces

Bullying Prevention Quiz for Workplaces
Challenge your workplace with this bullying prevention quiz – designed to stimulate discussion around Pink Shirt Day, bullying in Aotearoa and how to be an Upstander.
For Schools, For Workplaces

Print and hang our bunting to brighten up your pink morning tea.
For Schools, For Whānau

Colouring competition
A fun competition for tamariki to get creative and add their own flair to our Pink Shirt Day rainbow character as featured on the official t-shirt.
For Schools, For Whānau, For Workplaces

Compliment poster
Celebrate kindness by giving out tear-off compliments to students, hoamahi (colleagues) and friends.