To find answers to frequently asked questions, you can check out our FAQ page here
When is Pink Shirt Day?

Pink Shirt Day 2025 will take place on Friday 16 May

How can I get involved in Pink Shirt Day?
  • There are lots of ways that your school, workplace or community group can take part in Pink Shirt Day. You could plan a Pink Shirt Day event, order or download free event packs and resources, or organise a fundraiser. Click the below links for more ideas on how to get involved: 

Where can I get an official t-shirt?

Our official Pink Shirt Day t-shirts (adults $25 and kids $15), pins ($5) and tote bags ($5) will be on sale from the last week of April at select Cotton On stores and online here.  Sizing will range from 0-3 months through to adults 5XL, with more details about sizing available here.

Where can I order event packs?

From the 8th of April, you’ll be able to order our free event packs and download a brand new suite of downloadable resources here. Make sure you’re signed up to our mailing list to be informed about pack availability and other important updates. You can also download posters, activities, guides and more here. 

How can I fundraise for Pink Shirt Day?

Thanks so much for wanting to fundraise this Pink Shirt Day, it means the world to us. If you head to our website you’ll find information on creating a fundraising page, how to donate, and fundraising activity ideas.  

How do I transfer the money raised at my school or workplace on Pink Shirt Day?

Online donations are easiest for us to process, and you’ll get your GST receipt instantly. To ensure your donation has the most impact, please donate via our website to reduce our administration costs.  

If you do not have access to a credit card, and would prefer to deposit the funds via bank transfer, please email [email protected] and one of our team will help you with the bank transfer details (please note that receipting will take longer if you choose this option). 

Where does the money raised for Pink Shirt Day go?

With the funds raised on Pink Shirt Day, the Mental Health Foundation will deliver a wellbeing initiative for high schools, supply schools and workplaces with free tools and information to create positive environments, provide support to rainbow rangatahi across Aotearoa, and continue to grow the Upstander movement.  

What can I do if I experience bullying?
  • For tamariki, rangatahi, parents: We’re so sorry to hear that you have experienced bullying. Being bullied is never okay, and can have long-term impacts on our wellbeing. We hope you have some support around you today. If you, or your tamariki/rangatahi are being bullied, you can find evidence-based information about what to do here. For extra support, you can also find a list of helplines here. Arohanui, take care.

  •  In the workplace: We’re so sorry to hear that you have experienced bullying in the workplace. You have the right to feel safe from bullying, discrimination and harassment in your place of work. You can find information about steps you can take to resolve the bullying behaviour, and how to keep yourself safe in the workplace here.  For extra support, we’d recommended contacting your employee assistance programme if this is an option, or you can find a list of helplines here. Arohanui, take care. 

I am workplace leader, where can I find information on how to prevent bullying at work?

If you are a manager or leader looking for advice on how to prevent bullying at work, tau kē! Well done for taking the first steps to challenge this harmful behaviour. Our workplace guide offers evidence-based advice to prevent bullying, and can help your workplace build a safe and positive environment for all employees. 

What can I do if I see someone being bullied?

If you see someone being bullied, there are a range of helpful actions you can take to support them if you feel safe enough to do so. You can find more information about how to be an Upstander here. 

Can you provide a speaker for our Pink Shirt Day event 

Thanks for reaching out! Unfortunately we are not able to provide speakers for Pink Shirt Day. If you are looking to organise a Pink Shirt Day event, we’d recommend checking out our resources and workplace guide for ideas and activities to run at your event. 

For further help, advice or support, visit our website for a list of helplines

Kōrero Mai, Kōrero Atu, Mauri Tū, Mauri Ora
Speak Up, Stand Together, Stop Bullying!
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