Schools & Kura
Here are some ideas to help you bring Pink Shirt Day to life:
Download our free resources, including posters, compliment cards, bunting, cupcake toppers, photo props and more!
Download the kaiako/teacher and rangatahi guides - full of inspiration and activities to help your school or kura celebrate the Pink Shirt Day kaupapa and keep the movement going all year round.
Use the Pink Shirt Day Sparklers activities for tamariki in the classroom, or get the whole whānau into the Pink Shirt Day spirit with a range of at home activities.
Encourage tamariki to get creative with our colouring competetion template.
Stream the Pink Shirt Day waiata by PERE and dance and sing along with your school or kura! The entirely Te Reo track is all about finding your own strength, resilience and community in the face of bullying.
Share information about Pink Shirt Day and how your kura or school plans to celebrate it with your school community. We've put together a draft blurb that you may like to use in your school newsletter or social pages. Don't forget to add your link if you are fundraising online too!
Hold a Pink Shirt Day fundraising event:
As well as taking part in Pink Shirt Day classroom or school activities, we’d love you to turn your kura or school māwhero and fundraise to support this important kaupapa. By running a Pink Shirt Day fundraiser, you’re supporting your kura or school to become a kinder and more inclusive place, where people feel safe, valued and aren’t afraid to be themselves.
Have a ‘pink’ non-uniform or dress-up day at kura or school for a donation. You might like to promote the official Pink Shirt Day t-shirt to your kura or school community. It will be available in selected Cotton On stores and online from late April. 100% of net proceeds go to the Mental Health Foundation.
Hold a fashion show or an art exhibition displaying pink t-shirts, which tamariki and rangatahi have added their own flair to. Students might like to use our Pink Shirt Day stencil to help with their creations, You could charge a gold coin donation to be part of the fashion/art show.
Organise a bake sale and ask students and their whānau to bring their pinkest, most delicious creations. Use our free cupcake toppers and bunting to take your bake sale to the next level.
Set up a fundraising page on our website and collect online donations from parents and students to help support the kaupapa.
More ways to keep the Pink Shirt Day kaupapa alive all year round:
Check out InsideOUT’s resources for creating safe and inclusive school environments for rainbow rangatahi. From bullying to bathrooms, their resources cover all aspects your school may need to think about.
Be an Upstander, not a bystander. An Upstander is a someone who uses words/actions that can help someone who is being bullied. Find out how you can be an Upstander here.
Check out the Book reviews section to find reviews of books about bullying-prevention, diversity and kindness.
Read stories about people who have either experienced bullying or are taking a stand against it.
