Bullying Prevention Quiz for Workplaces
Challenge your workplace with this bullying prevention quiz – designed to stimulate discussion around Pink Shirt Day, bullying in Aotearoa and how to be an Upstander.
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More Resources
Bullying and harassment at work: Issues paper: An in depth look.
Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment. (2020a). MBIE. This Issues Paper outlines what is known about the nature and extent of bullying and harassment at work in New Zealand and examines current systems for preventing and responding to such behaviour. It is part of a government consultation process.
Insights into effective interventions for the prevention and management of workplace bullying in the New Zealand public service.
Crimp, H. (2017). Victoria University of Wellington. This thesis seeks to explore current workplace bullying prevention and management interventions within the New Zealand Public Service.
Zoom/teams friendly conversation cards
Zoom/teams friendly Kōrero Starter cards are a great way to learn more about your hoamahi/colleagues.
Kōrero Mai, Kōrero Atu, Mauri Tū, Mauri Ora
Speak Up, Stand Together, Stop Bullying!