Mahere pae-tukutuku
Explore our sitemap to view all of the valuable resources, insightful articles, and inspiring stories on our website.
Our sitemap is designed to make it easy for you to view all information we host on bullying prevention in New Zealand. Whether you're looking for inspiring stories, insightful articles, valuable resources or more, our comprehensive website has everything you need.
- Home Pink Shirt Day is about working together to stop bullying by celebrating diversity and promoting kindness and inclusiveness.
- About It’s about creating a community where all people feel safe, valued and respected, regardless of gender identity, sexual orientation, age, ability, religion or cultural background.
- FAQs To find answers to frequently asked questions, you can check out our FAQ page here
- History Pink Shirt Day aims to reduce bullying in Aotearoa by celebrating diversity in all its forms and supporting workplaces, communities and schools to be safe, supportive, welcoming and inclusive of all people.
- Our Whakataukī What does 'Kōrero Mai, Kōrero Atu, Mauri Tū, Mauri Ora – Speak Up, Stand Together, Stop Bullying' mean?
- FAQs
- Book Reviews Reviews of books focused on celebrating diversity and preventing bullying in schools and workplaces.
- Bullying and Its Impact (Schools) A selection of New Zealand and international research and resources on the various impacts of bullying at school.
- Information for Teachers and Educational Resources A selection of policy, programmes, and resources about bullying in schools.
- Information for Teachers and Educational Resources
- Bullying Research Information about bullying, resources, and where to get help.
- What Can We Do to Prevent Bullying in Schools? A selection of national and international research on the prevention of bullying at schools.
- What Can We Do to Prevent Bullying in Schools?
- Buy the official tee Pink Shirt Day 2025 t-shirts will be available instore at select Cotton On stores and online from late April 2025!
- Contact Us We're here to help - get in touch with any questions, comments, or concerns you may have.
- Downloadable Resources Free downloadable resources to help you celebrate diversity, and promote kindness and inclusiveness in your school, workplace or home on Pink Shirt Day and beyond.
- Help & Advice Who you can talk to for help, advice, and further support.
- International Websites for Workplaces Anti-bullying websites from the UK, US and Australia.
- Pink Shirt Day 2024 Bunnings Competition Prize Terms and Conditions
- Pink Shirt Day 2024 Tees Competition Prize Terms and Conditions
- Real Stories Stories from individuals, communities, schools and workplaces about how they stand up to bullying, demonstrate the upstander actions and celebrate diversity.
- Sign up Sign-up for the official Pink Shirt Day event!
- Sitemap Explore our sitemap to view all of the valuable resources, insightful articles, and inspiring stories on our website.
- Upstander You have the power to prevent bullying! Research shows more than half of bullying situations (57%) stop when tauira/students intervene.
- What to Do if You’re Being Bullied Bullying is never okay. If you are being bullied it’s important to remember that you are not alone, there are people you can talk to, and is help available.
- Workplace Bullying and Its Impacts A range of peer-reviewed, published articles from New Zealand and overseas.
- Workplace Bullying Prevention 1 in 5 workers have experienced bullying behaviour frequently in the past 12 months. Learn how your workplace can join the movement to spread aroha and kindness and end bullying.
- #TechTikanga Bullying is a serious problem that can disrupt your life and lead to physical and emotional health problems. If you’re going through any problems like this because of bullying, have a korero to someone you trust or check out this site.
- 2022/23 New Zealand Health Survey Psychological distress was highest in young people aged 15–24 years, with one in five (21.2%) experiencing high or very high levels of psychological distress. Read the full results of the survey.
- A familiar face: Violence in the lives of children and adolescents (2017, November). New York, US: UNICEF. The report presents current data on four specific forms of violence – violent discipline and exposure to domestic abuse during early childhood, violence at school, violent deaths among adolescents, and sexual violence in childhood and adolescence. They note 35 per cent of New Zealand children aged 13–15 reported being bullied monthly.
- About bullying It isn’t uncommon to hear someone say something insensitive or mean to someone else. Although these comments or actions are not okay, bullying has some specific features that make it much more serious and harmful.
- Assessing and building wellbeing. ResourcBoyd, S. (2019). Set: Research Information for Teachers 1, 54. The article is about the Wellbeing@school kit and discusses the evidence for social and emotional learning, including a focus on wellbeing and fostering a strong sense of belonging in students. Good social and emotional learning is shown to lead to less bullying and other negative behaviours, contributing to better student outcomes. A whole school approach is advocated with a range of actions in 5 areas - leadership, culture, policies and practices, support for students, prioritising professional development.e summary...
- Be the Change Be The Change NZ, supported by Youthline and inspired by anti-bullying programmes all over the world, including NZ.
- Behind the numbers: Ending school violence and bullying. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation Attawell, K. (2019). This international study presents the most up-to-date and comprehensive evidence on school violence and bullying, analysing global and regional prevalence and trends, the nature and impact of the issue, and successful national responses. It brings together quantitative and qualitative data from a range of global and regional surveys, covering 144 countries and territories in all regions. It shows physical bullying is the most frequent type of bullying in many regions, with the exception of North America and Europe, where psychological bullying is most common. Physical bullying is more common among boys, while psychological bullying is more prevalent among girls. Online and mobile phone bullying is also shown to be increasing. Children who are perceived as different in any way are more likely to be bullied, and physical appearance is the most common cause of bullying. The second most frequent reasons reported by students relate to race, nationality or colour.
- Bryan and Bobby Constable Bryan Ward and his furry friend Bobby look at how you can keep yourself, your friends and your family safe at home, at school and in your community. The dynamic duo use plenty of humour, the talents of local kids and the help of special celebrity guests to get their messages to their young friends.
- Bullying and harassment at work: Issues paper: An in depth look. Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment. (2020a). MBIE. This Issues Paper outlines what is known about the nature and extent of bullying and harassment at work in New Zealand and examines current systems for preventing and responding to such behaviour. It is part of a government consultation process.
- Bullying and harassment at work: Issues paper: Summary. Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment. (2020b). MBIE. This is a summary of the key points from the Issues Paper outlining what is known about the nature and extent of bullying and harassment at work in New Zealand. It is part of a government consultation process.
- Bullying information for friends and whānau Bullying is a serious and distressing experience. Many children and young people carry the effects of bullying into their adult lives. Information in this link from the Ministry of Education about what to do if your child is being bullied and other bullying information.
- Bullying No Way, AUS Website managed by the Safe and Supportive School Communities Working Group. Members work together to create learning environments where every student and school community member is safe, supported, respected and valued.
- Bullying Prevention Quiz for Workplaces Challenge your workplace with this bullying prevention quiz – designed to stimulate discussion around Pink Shirt Day, bullying in Aotearoa and how to be an Upstander.
- Bullying prevention webinar - 2023 Hear from leading experts in workplace wellbeing/health and safety, mental health, and diversity and equity in Aotearoa.
- Bullying-Free New Zealand The website has information, research and resources to help schools and communities respond to bullying. It's an initiative from the Bullying Prevention Advisory Group, which is made up of 18 agencies committed to reducing bullying in New Zealand schools.
- Bullying, harassment and discrimination Employment New Zealand provides information and advice on why bullying, harassment and discrimination must be investigated. The person affected must also be supported by the employer.
- Bullying, harassment and/or violence at school What the Human Rights Commission can do about bullying, harassment and/or violence in schools. Other sources of support for young people, parents and schools.
- Bullying: Getting picked on so much it’s wearing you down? Bullying is a serious problem that can disrupt your life and lead to physical and emotional health problems. If you’re going through any problems like this because of bullying, have a korero to someone you trust or check out this site.
- Bunting Print and hang our bunting to brighten up your pink morning tea.
- Bystanders’ experiences of witnessing workplace bullying incidents in the New Zealand hospitality industry: What factors affect their attitudes and behaviours? Wu, L. (2020). Thesis, Auckland University of Technology. The definition, causes, effects and influential factors on workplace bullying have been investigated by many scholars. However, research objectives until now, have mainly focused on victims and perpetrators, with little attention given to the bystanders, the individuals who witness the bullying. This small-scale qualitative interpretivist study aimed to investigate factors that affect bystanders’ attitudes and behaviours by conducting eight semi-structured interviews to explore the experiences of witnessing workplace bullying incidents in Auckland hospitality organisations in New Zealand. The findings suggest that the bystander effect does occur in the New Zealand hospitality industry; as bystanders, participants’ attitudes and behaviours were affected in a variety of ways: the industry working conditions, their witnessing experiences, their personality and home-country culture, their organisation’s culture, and their managerial position and visa status.
- Child protection guidelines, NZ Police These guidelines should be followed when Police or others provide education about child protection.
- Compliment poster Celebrate kindness by giving out tear-off compliments to students, hoamahi (colleagues) and friends.
- Computer screensaver Brighten up your screen with one of our Pink Shirt Day screensavers.
- Cupcake toppers Add some pizazz to your Pink Shirt Day cupcakes with these cupcake flags!
- Developing resources to address homophobic and transphobic bullying Fenaughty, J. (2019). A framework incorporating co-design, critical pedagogies, and bullying research. In 2016, UNESCO developed recommendations to address homophobic and transphobic violence and bullying, including guidance for the development of classroom resources. According to UNESCO, the effectiveness of interventions depends on inclusive, if not affirming, representations of sexual and gender diversity in learning materials, as well as age-appropriate, culturally sensitive, evidenced-based resources. UNESCO advocates that such resources be produced in partnerships with key stakeholders, including civil society and youth and student organisations. The high-level scope of the document however limits detail on how these elements may practically be realised. The purpose of this article is to critique and build on this guidance to extend its scope and offer further recommendations to achieve the changes it seeks.
- Easy Read Resource: Pink Shirt Day An Easy Read resource containing accessible information about Pink Shirt Day, including what Pink Shirt Day is and how you can get involved.
- Easy Read Resource: What is bullying An Easy Read resource containing accessible information about bullying prevention, including what bullying is and what to do if you or someone you know is being bullied.
- Educating for diversity: An evaluation of a sexuality diversity workshop to address secondary school bullying Lucassen, M.F. & Burford, J. (2015, October 23). Australas Psychiatry, 23(5),544-9. Sexuality-based bullying is commonplace in secondary schools. This form of bullying is associated with depression and suicide attempts. Reducing sexuality-based bullying is very likely to have a positive impact on the mental health of young people. Brief workshops, as a part of a wider suite of interventions, have some potential to create safer school environments.
- Effectiveness of anti-bullying school programmes: A systematic review by evidence levels Jimenez Barbero, J.A., et al. (2012, September). Children and Youth Services Review, 34(9), 1646–1658. Researchers found evidence of the effectiveness of interventions aimed at reducing bullying. There is a great heterogeneity in the design of such school interventions. The most used outcome measures are related to attitudes, beliefs and behaviours. Social and cultural factors are not taken into account when designing the programs. Interventions are most successful when they involve parents, teachers and students.
- Email signatures Spread the Pink Shirt Day kaupapa through your emails with our pink email signatures.
- Ethnicity, workplace bullying, social support and psychological strain in Aotearoa/New Zealand Gardner, D., Bentley, T. A., Catley, B. E., Cooper-Thomas, H., et al. (2013). New Zealand Journal of Psychology, 42(2), 84-91. 1,733 respondents from four sectors (health, education, hospitality and travel) responded to a self-report questionnaire. Despite reporting higher levels of bullying than New Zealand Europeans, Pacific Island and Asian/Indian respondents reported lower levels of psychological strain. Respondents with more supportive supervisors and colleagues reported experiencing less bullying and less strain. Bullying was related to negative outcomes for all groups.
- Event poster Te Reo Māori and English event posters to help you promote your Pink Shirt Day.
- Gender and gender minority differences in workplace bullying within New Zealand organisations. Hayman, M. (2015). Thesis, University of Waikato. The aim of the present study was to identify the relationship between gender, gender minority status and workplace bullying within organisations across New Zealand. The relationship between workplace bullying and workplace outcomes (intention to quit, wellbeing, psychological strain and physical health) was also assessed. In addition, gender minority was explored as a moderator to determine the impact on the relationship between workplace bullying and workplace outcomes.
- Harmful Digital Communications Bill Full text of legislation put in place in 2015 to help stop cyberbullies and reduce the devastating impact their actions can have by simplifying the process for getting abusive material off the internet in a quick and proportionate way.
- He Whakaaro: What do we know about bullying behaviours in New Zealand? This paper summarises what we know about bullying in the education system. Bullying has widespread implications not only for the students exposed to it (those who are bullied, those doing the bullying and the observers), but to their family wellbeing and the culture of schools and communities. We provide a setting for further discussion and research into bullying by examining the trends and forms of bullying that are currently known in New Zealand. Notes: This paper notes all the NZ surveys and studies asking about bullying in the school setting. It pulls together statistics from several studies and is a good review of the NZ situation.
- Higher frequency bullying remains significant in workforce Over 90 per cent of the workforce in Aotearoa New Zealand has reported experiencing intermittent bullying in the past year, according to research led by Professor Jarrod Haar, Ngāti Maniapoto, Ngāti Mahuta.
- Human Rights Commission – School violence, bullying and abuse The Human Rights Commission was set up in 1977 and works under the Human Rights Act 1993. The HRC's purpose is to promote and protect the human rights of all people in Aotearoa New Zealand. They work for a free, fair, safe and just New Zealand, where diversity is valued and human dignity and rights are respected. The HRC has published an analysis of the human rights issues in situations of school bullying, harassment and/or violence, to help make schools safer for everyone.
- IARERE ĀIO: PERE FT. MOHI Our Pink Shirt Day waiata, IARERE ĀIO by PERE ft. MOHI, is all about the power of resilience and standing up against bullying. Download the kupu/words and teach it to tauira/students in your next school assembly!
- ICON – Incase of online negativity A practical tool created by teens to help deal with negativity online.
- Inclusive practices toolkit The Inclusive Practices Tools were launched on the Wellbeing@School website. It's designed to support schools to engage with the whole school community in a process of self-review, with access to practical evidence-based tools, resources, and services.
- InCommon tamariki quiz This activity nudges tamariki/children to explore what they have in common with each other, even those they may think are very different to them.
- InsideOUT A friendly and accessible learning resource to help increase understanding and support of sex, gender and sexuality diversity, so we can all belong.
- Insights into effective interventions for the prevention and management of workplace bullying in the New Zealand public service. Crimp, H. (2017). Victoria University of Wellington. This thesis seeks to explore current workplace bullying prevention and management interventions within the New Zealand Public Service.
- Kaiako/teacher guide Ideas and inspiration to help teachers bring Pink Shirt Day to life at kura or school.
- Ken Rigby, AUS Over the last 25 years Professor Ken Rigby has been a national consultant for schools and a leading international authority in bullying and victimisation in schools.
- Kia Kaha Bullying Programme for Schools NZ Police’s Kia Kaha school-based programme aims to help schools create environments where all members of the community feel safe, respected and valued and where bullying cannot flourish.
- Kidpower, teenpower, fullpower A charitable trust that provides effective, positive and fun training in violence prevention, personal safety and self-defence for real life situations, suitable for all ages and all abilities.
- Making a difference to student wellbeing Lawes, E., & Boyd, S. (2017). NZCER. Infographic-style research summary.
- Making a difference to student wellbeing – a data exploration Lawes, E., & Boyd, S. (2018). NZCER. The authors used Wellbeing@School survey data. This data was provided by 400 New Zealand schools from 2013 to 2016 to assess what the data could tell us about the effective components of a Whole School Approach. They focused on all students, as well as Māori and Pasifika students.
- Mindful colouring template Get creative with this Pink Shirt Day themed mindful colouring activity.
- NetSafe Schools This website helps schools to address student cybersafety and support digital citizenship
- New Zealand workplace diversity surveys DiversityWorksNZ. This annual survey of organisations provides insight into their experience of and response to diversity issues. Recent results show that gender, wellbeing/wellness and bias are regarded as important issues. The survey also asks about bullying and harassment. Diversity, both societally and in workplaces, remains a defining feature of contemporary New Zealand.
- Newsletter template Share information about Pink Shirt Day and how you plan to celebrate it with your community
- Not every school’s anti-bullying program works – some may actually make bullying worse Healy, K. (n.d.). The Conversation. This paper is an overview of recent, primarily academic literature on youth (ages 12-18) and cyberbullying and seeks to translate scholarly work for a public audience. Many anti-bullying programs in schools rely on witnesses to stand up to bullies. This is good in theory but an evaluation of such programs has found in some cases, interference can worsen the problem.
- Our kind of school Student, whānau, staff, and school community views on what makes positive, inclusive, safe school environments where bullying is prevented and responded to.
- Pacers’ National Bullying Prevention Center, US US website with resources, information, programmes and campaigns for schools, parents and children. Includes a page of stats and a list of references to research articles.
- Parents’ responses to relational bullying in New Zealand Brown, T. (2020). Relational bullying is a significant and widespread issue that is experienced by many young people in New Zealand. To implement effective and consistent prevention and intervention strategies, it is crucial to understand the perspectives of everyone involved. While research in the field of bullying prevention is increasingly focused on the perspectives and responsibility of multiple parties, a significant gap in the literature remains: the perspectives of the parents of children who are involved as perpetrators of bullying, as well as those parents of children who are both bullies as well as victims. The present doctoral research yielded findings describing parents’ responses to their child’s involvement in relational bullying, including those involved in bullying perpetration.
- Pink Quiz Take part in this fun pink quiz with workplace, school or kura. With a mix of Pink Shirt Day and general knowledge questions, this quiz is a great activity to help you celebrate Pink Shirt Day at mahi or school.
- Pink Shirt Day Colouring Template Use this colouring template to get creative and add your own flair to our Pink Shirt Day character as featured on the official t-shirt.
- Pink Shirt Day flyer A printable flyer containing tips and information about how to organise a Pink Shirt Day event at your school or workplace
- Pink Shirt Day packs Filled with posters, stickers, photo props and more - our packs have everything you need to turn your workplace, school, or home māwhero/pink on the big day!
- PISA 2018 results (volume III): What school life means for students’ lives The OECD Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) examines what students know in reading, mathematics and science, and what they can do with what they know. It provides the most comprehensive and rigorous international assessment of student learning outcomes to date. Results from PISA indicate the quality and equity of learning outcomes attained around the world, and allow educators and policy makers to learn from the policies and practices applied in other countries.
- Positive relationship quiz Whether you are in a long-term or casual relationship, you deserve to be treated well and ensure that you are treating your partner respectfully. Take the quiz to see how healthy your relationship is.
- Positive relationships, bullying prevention and early support needed for young people’s mental wellbeing Research published by Growing Up in New Zealand shows the importance of strong positive relationships for young people’s mental health and the negative impact of bullying.
- Poster sets – main poster Te reo Māori and English poster sets to help you promote PSD in your workplace, school or community.
- Powerpoint template Talking about Pink Shirt Day at work or school? Use our powerpoint template for your presentation.
- PRISM: Human Rights issues relating to Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression, and Sex Characteristics (SOGIESC) in Aotearoa New Zealand—A report with recommendations. This report showed that bullying people on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity and expression and sex characteristics is a breach of their right to an education
- Problems at school, Citizens Advice Bureau Includes sections called 'My child’s being bullied at school. What can I do about it?' as well as 'I told the school about my child being bullied but they haven’t done anything to fix the problem. What should I do?'.
- Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) results for PISA 2018: Country note: New Zealand Avvisati, F., Echazarra, A., Givord, P., & Schwabe, M. (2019). OECD. PISA is a triennial survey of 15-year-old students that assesses the extent to which they have acquired the key knowledge and skills essential for full participation in society. The assessment focuses on proficiency in reading, mathematics, science and an innovative domain (in 2018, the innovative domain was global competence), and on students’ wellbeing. This report presents the data for New Zealand, and includes several wellbeing indicators. “In New Zealand, 32% of students reported being bullied at least a few times a month, compared to 23% on average across OECD countries. At the same time, 93% of students in New Zealand (and 88% of students on average across OECD countries) agreed or strongly agreed that it is a good thing to help students who cannot defend themselves.” (p. 7).
- Psychosocial hazards in work environments and effective approaches for managing them Lovelock, K. (2019). WorkSafe New Zealand. The purpose of this report is to define psychosocial health in the workplace context, identify psychosocial health risks in the workplace and develop WorkSafe’s approach to reducing psychosocial harm to New Zealand’s workers.
- Rangatahi guide (Intermediate/secondary) Full of information, ideas and inspiration to help students (yrs 9-13) bring Pink Shirt Day to life at kura tuarua or school.
- ReachOUT, AUS An Australian online mental health organisation for young people and their parents. Their practical support, tools and tips to help young people get through anything from everyday issues to tough times.
- Report online incidents with NetSafe Internet safety organisation NetSafe provides a timely and effective service for victims of cyber-bullying to get help. If you've been cyber-bullied you can fill out an online form or call 0508 NETSAFE (638723)
- Responsive schools This document summarises the key messages from the Office of the Children’s Commissioner’s inquiry into school safety. Responsive Schools describes how the anti-bullying approaches employed by the participating case study schools helped to create safe learning environments for their students.
- Rights at school – bullying Youthlaw webpage giving advice for young people on dealing with bullying at school.
- School certificates Recognise Pink Shirt Day values with personalised certificates at school or kura.
- School safety: An inquiry into the safety of students at school The Children’s Commissioner’s first Inquiry involving education led to this comprehensive guide to understanding and successfully dealing with bullying and violence
- Speech bubble photo props – A4 Get creative and have some fun with our Pink Shirt Day photo props.
- Spotlight on counter-bullying pedagogies Ministry of Education. Education Counts. (n.d.). Retrieved August 20, 2018. This web page for teachers presents information and resources on how to implement effective cooperative learning strategies and build a climate that counter bullying.
- Stencil Use this stencil to make your own t-shirt, posters, or other Pink Shirt Day creations!
- Stop Bullying, US A federal government website managed by the US Department of Health & Human Services; includes section on why they don’t use the word “bully” to label kids.
- T-shirt outline poster Use this colouring template to get creative and add your own flair to our Pink Shirt Day character as featured on the official t-shirt.
- Table talker Learn more about bullying prevention and how to be an Upstander with our table talker, which can be kept on your desk, in the classroom or staff room all year round.
- Teacher cards Celebrate kindness by giving out compliment cards to students on Pink Shirt Day - available in English and Te Reo Māori.
- The Bullying Forum – Mental Health Foundation A full-day event held in Auckland in 2010 examined bullying, what is being done to address it and how this can be improved upon. Around 150 people heard from presenters and took part in discussions. Attendees included individuals from schools, police, media and social workers, as well as parents.
- The New Zealand Workplace Barometer This survey of organisations and companies looks at psychosocial risk prevention at work, through the provision of leading indicators of mental health and stress-related illnesses. It aims to provide longitudinal data from which the evaluation of effectiveness of implemented policies and programs can be assessed over time.
- The role of family and school-level factors in bullying and cyberbullying: A cross-sectional study Bevilacqua, L., Shackleton, N., & Hale, D., et al. (2017, July 11). BMC Pediatrics, 17(1), 160. doi: 10.1186/s12887-017- 0907-8. Bullying victimization and cyberbullying prevalence vary across school type and school quality, supporting the hypothesis that organisational/management factors within the school may have an impact on students' behaviour. These findings will inform future longitudinal research investigating which school factors and processes promote or prevent bullying and cyberbullying behaviours.
- Understanding management competencies for managing bullying and fostering healthy work in nursing. Blackwood, K., D’Souza, N., & Sun, J. (2019). Massey University. Healthy Work Group. This report looks at bullying in nursing in New Zealand. It explores management competencies necessary for fostering a healthy workplace and for managing bullying. The conclusion includes recommendations for practice and for further research.
- Understanding Stress and Bullying in New Zealand Workplaces Bentley, T., Catley, B., Cooper-Thomas, H., Gardner, D., O’Driscoll, M., & Trenberth, L. (2009). Massey University. The study found that 1 in 5 employees was subject to bullying in the hospitality, health, education and travel industries.
- UNESCO school violence and bullying International website with reports, resources and campaigns for organisations and schools across the world.
- Upstander poster The Upstander poster helps you promote key Upstander actions in your workplace, school and community year round.
- Verbal abuse the biggest bullying problem at school: Students CensusAtSchool. (2015). The CensusAtSchool survey found that school students think verbal mistreatment is the biggest bullying issue in schools – higher than cyberbullying, social or relational bullying such as social exclusion and spreading gossip, or physical bullying.
- Wallet card A fold out wallet card with information about bullying prevention and the Upstander actions.
- Wellbeing@School: Building a safe and caring school climate that deters bullying Boyd, S., & Barwick, H. (2011). New Zealand Council for Educational Research. This booklet, aimed at school leaders, is a summary of an extensive review of research and other literature undertaken to guide the development of the Wellbeing@School website self-review process, survey tools and content. This website is being developed by the New Zealand Council for Educational Research (NZCER). The “Wellbeing@School” website is one component of the Ministry of Education’s “Positive Behaviour for Learning: Action Plan 2010-2014”, developed in response to concerns about student behaviour and school bullying. It could also be of interest to those working with schools such as Resource Teachers of Learning and Behaviour (RTLBs), educational psychologists or Police Education Officers.
- What are the best ways to prevent bullying in schools? (2019). Greater Good. A blog post describing a new study which identifies effective approaches to bullying prevention.
- What is bullying? Introduction for schools to the topic of bullying - definitions, behaviours, impacts, why it is important to be aware, debunking myths, and the role adults play in preventing and responding to bullying incidents
- What to do if an image of you is being shared without your permission You may have sent a nude or intimate photo, video or text of yourself to someone, and they might share it with others without your consent. This is not your fault and understandably it can be very upsetting for you.
- What to do if you're being cyberbullied The Harmful Digital Communications Act 2015 is bringing in new ways to help victims of cyberbullying and other modern forms of harassment and intimidation. A flowchart shows how victims can get help.
- Workplace bullying in New Zealand: A survey of employee perceptions and attitudes O'Driscoll, M. P., Cooper-Thomas, H.D., Bentley, T., et al. (2011, November). Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 49(4), 390-408. The present paper reports findings from a survey of over 1,700 employees of 36 organisations in New Zealand. They describe the reported incidence of bullying at work, along with relevant work attitudes and experiences, including psychological strain, ratings of subjective wellbeing, and levels of commitment to the organisation.
- Workplace certificates Recognise Pink Shirt Day values with personalised certificates at work.
- Workplace guide A resource designed to help workplaces build positive environments and prevent bullying.
- Workplace Wellness Reports Southern Cross Health Society, & Business New Zealand. (2013 to present). Southern Cross Health Society. This survey presents findings on New Zealand workplaces’ absence rates (and the costs thereof), employee stress, fatigue and mental health. It also looks at what approaches businesses have in place to look after employees’ wellbeing. Some results are presented by size of business. This survey doesn’t look at bullying, but is given as a source of New Zealand contextual information.
- Youth and cyberbullying: Another look Hasse, A., Cortesi, S., Lombana, A., & Gasser, U. (2019). (SSRN Scholarly Paper ID 3477297). Social Science Research Network. This spotlight presents Youth and Media’s overview of recent, primarily academic literature on youth (ages 12-18) and cyberbullying and seeks to translate scholarly work for a public audience — including parents and caregivers, schools and educators, iternet companies, and governmental entities. This paper is meant to help shape these stakeholders’ current and future endeavors that aim to address cyberbullying and provide practical, impactful guidance on preventing and responding to cyberbullying among young people.
- Zoom/Teams backgrounds Brighten up your video calls on Pink Shirt Day by using one of our pink backgrounds.
- Zoom/teams friendly conversation cards Zoom/teams friendly Kōrero Starter cards are a great way to learn more about your hoamahi/colleagues.
Real Stories
- CV Shastry CV Shastry is an Asian New Zealander and proud Upstander who is doing his part to stop bullying and discrimination against Asian communities.
- Elle Elle has regularly faced racism since she moved to Aotearoa 17 years ago. She sees racism as a frequent and distressing part of her life.
- Flight Centre After a tough year for the travel industry, Pink Shirt Day “an opportunity to reset and celebrate”
- Freemans Bay School – celebrating our differences Inclusion and cultural understanding is an everyday part of learning at Freemans Bay School. Teacher Yu-Ching Liu hails from Taiwan, and describes celebrating diversity in her classroom as a normal everyday experience.
- Fuimaono Karl Pulotu-Endemann “I am Samoan, I am fa’afafine. That is my foundation. That is my strength.”
- High school students launch nationwide campaign for gender neutral bathrooms in schools Gender neutral bathrooms in schools should be mandatory and government-funded
- Ihaka Whanarere Finding identity and joy through Te Ao Māori and Kapa Haka
- Jenene Crossan Jenene Crossan knows what it’s like to be bullied for having COVID-19. As one of Aotearoa’s earliest positive cases, she’s faced ‘heinous online trolling’ and personal attacks since she contracted the virus on her way home from London.
- Lucy Barge Upstander Lucy is a published poet, piano teacher, and proud Pink Shirt Day advocate
- Mercury Bay Area School take part in InsideOUT diversity workshop Students, teachers and InsideOUT worked together to make their school more inclusive
- Nat: a fierce anti-bullying advocate By being open and candidly sharing their experiences, Nat hopes to show others how important it is to speak up
- Nicola Frater Nicola Frater is a multi-faceted woman. She is a loving parent to three adult children. She is a person of faith, having spent decades serving her community as an Anglican Priest. And, she is a transgender woman - an identity she is only recently embracing as her own.
- Pink Shirt Day’s official waiata: ‘IARERE AIO’ Pink Shirt Day now has its very own anthem!
- Pretty in Pink As a plus size style and self-love writer, Meagan Kerr is all too familiar with how challenging it can be to find fashion that fits all shapes and sizes. That’s why, she is pleased that the range of Pink Shirt Day t-shirts has been extended to 5XL, so that more plus-sized people are able to support the Pink Shirt Day kaupapa.
- Proud to be me: Aziz Al-Sa'afin For journalist Aziz Al-Sa'afin, Pink Shirt Day represents an opportunity for Aotearoa to stand united against bullying. “It will be the most amazing thing to see a sea of pink on the day. It’s such a strong, positive and powerful message to send out there – it takes the power back.”
- Richard Hills Bullying can change people’s lives
- Spark’s quest to make the internet more gender-inclusive Battling the binary, one line of code at a time
- Sparklers x Pink Shirt Day We collaborated with our friends at Sparklers to hear tamariki and kaiako kōrero about what enables them to be the best Upstanders for Pink Shirt Day and beyond.
- Tangaroa Paul: Finding belonging in Te Ao Māori as a gender fluid person Tangaroa Paul is the kind of person who lights up a room just by walking in. With a huge smile and an infectious giggle, you’d be forgiven for thinking that Tangaroa’s life has been non-stop sunshine and laughter. However, dig a little deeper, and you’ll find that Tangaroa’s journey has been anything but straightforward.
- Te Manahou Mackay Decide whether someone’s opinion is worth listening to
- Tip Top’s Top Tip for Inclusive Workplaces Iconic Kiwi ice-cream company putting workplace wellbeing at the Tip Top of their list
Book Reviews
- (Don't) Call me crazy: 33 voices start the conversation about mental health Thirty-three actors, athletes, writers, and artists offer essays, lists, comics, and illustrations that explore mental health.
- A little bit different This book is intended as a funny and touching story about accepting and celebrating what makes each of us different and special.
- ACE: A horsey tail of courage An anti bullying story book for children with a story that follows the life of a horse who despite being bullied ends up achieving his long held dreams and goals.
- Ali's first day at school This book wonderfully portrays a refugee boy’s first day at school in New Zealand.
- Be bully free: A hands-on guide to how you can take control Seeking to empower children who are bullied, this book presents a wide range of common bullying scenarios and gives practical suggestions on how the recipient can take control.
- Because everything is right but everything is wrong The book follows Caleb, a teenager in his last year of high school, and his experiences going through and coming to terms with mental illness.
- Big Red and the Little Bitty Wolf: A story about bullying This book is a modern twist on the classic tale, in which a little wolf's unexpected solution to the class bully is met with surprising success.
- Bullies and warriors In this novel Tim Tipene depicts the reality of bullying-and strategies to address it-for children on both sides of the problem. It addresses bullying head-on, and weaves practical solutions into a universal story.
- Bully Patricia Polacco has taken up the cause against bullies ever since Thank You, Mr. Falker, and her passion shines through in this powerful story of a girl who stands up for a friend.
- Bully on the bus Leroy's teacher introduces him to the adventures in The Big Bad Book of Fairytales, hidden throughout are the clues that Leroy needs to overcome the bus bully's taunts once and for all.
- Can we talk? Seven principles for managing difficult conversations at work Can We Talk? outlines how to lead tough conversations and how to develop better, more meaningful relationships at work
- Channel kindness: Stories of kindness and community Stories collected from Lady Gaga's Born This Way Foundation, a nonprofit organization dedicated to making the world a kinder and braver place.
- Confessions of a former bully After Katie gets caught teasing a schoolmate, she realizes that bullying has hurt not only the people around her, but her, too.
- Consent (for Kids!): Boundaries, respect, and being in charge of YOU Rachel Brian's book sets out to help children to speak up and tell others when they don’t want to be hugged or tickled, or if they feel uncomfortable with another person.
- Creating a drama-free workplace: The insider’s guide to managing conflict, incivility and mistrust Maravelas notes knowing how to transform conflict into collaboration affects the outcome of every interaction, challenge, and opportunity.
- Dare! | Weird! | Tough! These three books tell the story of an ongoing case of bullying from three third graders’ perspectives. Kids will easily relate to Luisa, Jayla, and Sam, as each girl has her own unique experience.
- Dear Bully: Seventy authors tell their stories Today's top authors for teens and young people come together to share their stories about bullying-as bystanders, as victims, and as the bullies themselves-in this moving personal collection.
- Draw the line Black and white illustrations with thoughtful splashes of color create a powerful, multi-layered statement about friendship, boundaries, and healing after conflict.
- Each kindness When Chloe's teacher gives a lesson about how even small acts of kindness can change the world, Chloe is stung by the lost opportunity for friendship.
- Emotionally resilient tweens and teens: Empowering your kids to navigate bullying, teasing, and social exclusion For anyone with teens in their life, to help them experience their own power, find their own voices, learn how to problem-solve, and navigate their way out of challenging situations.
- Fairytale fraud: Sibling wars The traditional Hansel and Gretel tale taught us to not trust strangers and to not disobey our parents, but Kate Pye has twisted the tale to teach different morals and life lessons.
- Fantastic Florence, it’s not your fault A story is designed to be a safe space for children to see themselves in the story's characters and is an invaluable tool for parents and caregivers, therapists and educators.
- Feel a little: Little poems about big feelings A bright book encouraging a stronger understanding of emotions from an early age, providing a toolbox for starting conversations about emotions from a young age.
- Fighting invisible tigers: Stress management for teens This book offers proven techniques that teens can use to deal with stressful situations in school, at home, and among friends.
- Fish in a tree An uplifting novel that will speak to anyone who’s ever thought there was something wrong with them because they didn’t fit in.
- From worrier to warrior: A guide to conquering your fears From Worrier to Warrior will teach you how to create your very own "toolbox" of ways to combat fear and anxiety to carry with you and conquer the Worry Monster at any time.
- Gracefully Grayson A novel about identity, self-esteem, and friendship shines with the strength of a young person's spirit and the enduring power of acceptance.
- How do I feel? A dictionary of emotions for children This emotions dictionary is all about helping children find the words for how they truly feel. Learning to recognise and label our emotions correctly is such an important skill for life.
- How to be an ally: Actions you can take for a stronger, happier workplace This book humanizes diversity and inclusion and facilitates greater empathy, teaching us that every individual can learn about the imbalance in opportunity and work to correct it.
- How to stop homophobic and biphobic bullying: A practical whole-school approach A teachers’ guide to challenging homophobic and biphobic bullying offers unique insights to address the issue at its core.
- I am Jack Susanne Gervay's thoughtful story sheds light on the contagious and destructive nature of school bullying, and the power of humor, love, and community to overcome it.
- Inclusion alphabet: ABCs for everyone Inclusion Alphabet: ABC’s for everyone is a picture book which guides the reader through some key features of inclusion.
- Invisible Jerry This is a picture book with humour and heart for everyone who has ever felt like they’re on the outside looking in.
- It gets better: Coming out, overcoming bullying and creating a life worth living It Gets Better is a great compilation of stories about coming out, from a wide variety of contributors, offering a range of diverse perspectives and lived experiences.
- Just breathe: A mindfulness adventure A picture book that tells a story that takes children (and parents) through a simple and engaging mindfulness exercise. This introduced a wonderful way of dealing with difficult emotions and preventing anxiety.
- Just work: Get s*it done, fast and fair How we can recognize and eliminate workplace injustice, and transform our careers and organizations in the process.
- Kick Depression This free e-book contains a number of scientifically proven ways to help you to get through the hard times, with a sprinkling of ‘honest’ language and graphics.
- Kiwicorn Kiwicorn is a cute and funny story about being unique. Gorgeous illustrations and writing, help children to understand their emotions and to open a light-hearted dialogue about diversity.
- Life isn’t binary: On being both, beyond and in-between This book looks at how non-binary methods of thought can be applied to all aspects of life, and offer new and greater ways of understanding ourselves and how we relate to others.
- Little big bully This book sensitively describes how and why bullying happens, and offers a range of well-researched techniques to help children develop coping skills along with proactive strategies.
- Little Ruby & friends Professional rugby player Ruby Tui has written a kid’s book about friendship and how to be a supportive friend based on her life experiences.
- Llama Llama and the Bully Goat Taking on a difficult but important part of children's lives, Anna Dewdney gives readers a way to experience and discuss bullying in a safe and comforting way.
- Made by Raffi A story of a little boy who is different from his peers and is bullied at school, Pomranz celebrates just how good it is to march to a different beat.
- Maia and the Worry Bug | Māia rāua ko te ngārara pāwera 'Maia and the worry bug' is a story and resource book to help families experiencing mild to moderate anxiety manage their worries and understand anxiety better.
- Maiden voyage A brand new tale of discovery about the importance of truth, family and love. Maiden Voyage is the follow-up to the internationally acclaimed LGBTQ themed fairytale Promised Land.
- Mastering civility: A manifesto for the workplace Christine Porath shows how people can enhance their influence and effectiveness with civility.
- Mind your head Juno Dawson leads the way with this frank, factual and funny book, with added information and support from clinical psychologist Dr Olivia Hewitt.
- Mophead Tu: The Queen's Poem From the sinking islands in the South Seas to the smoggy streets of London, this is a hilariously thought-provoking take on colonial histories and one poet's journey to bridge the divide.
- Mophead: How your difference makes a difference An inspirational graphic memoir, full of wry humour, as NZ’s bestselling Poet Laureate tells the true story of a how her difference made a difference.
- Moth Moth is a picture book about friendship and belonging, and how it feels when you don't fit in. It aims to help children to better understand social anxiety and introversion in a safe and relatable way.
- My Anxiety handbook: Getting back on track Co-written with a college student who has experienced anxiety herself, this anxiety survival guide teaches 12 to 18 year olds how they can overcome their biggest worries.
- My shadow is pink My Shadow is Pink is about a young boy, born with a pink shadow that loves princess, dresses & "things not for boys".
- No hard feelings: Emotions at work This book is a visual exploration of how to embrace emotion at work and become more authentic and fulfilled while staying professional.
- Nobody! A story about overcoming bullying in school With support from friends, classmates, and adults, Thomas starts to feel more confident in himself and his hobbies, while Kyle learns the importance of kindness to others.
- Odd Velvet This is a tale about being different and the pressures of fitting in. In the end, Velvet's classmates discover that being different is what makes Velvet so much fun.
- Only freaks turn things into bones Only Freaks Turn Things Into Bones uses the sort of macabre humour that appeals particularly to new entrant age children to present some important messages to anyone who feels like they don’t fit.
- Out on the Shelves An online resource collecting books and literature by rainbow authors featuring rainbow stories.
- Play your best card A team-based game that encourages teens to have conversations on a range of topics relevant to young people.
- Preventing workplace bullying and harassment Hadyn Olsen is a consultant specialising in the prevention of bullying and harassment, his experience working with numerous organisations in this field form the basis of this practical guide.
- Promised Land Promised land is an LGBTQIA+ themed children's book written by Adam Reynolds & Chaz Harris with illustrations by Christine Luiten.
- Rainboy: The brightest colors shine from within This book explores concepts of differences, acceptance, popularity and loving yourself for who you are.
- Raising LGBTQ Allies: A parent's guide to changing the messages from the playground Tompkins walks parents through the many ways they can prevent new generations from adopting homophobic and transphobic beliefs, and to explore their own biases..
- Raven Wild The tale of a mystical gem and one woman's journey of self-determination in transition from the boy she once presented herself to be into the woman and hero that she would come to know herself as.
- Real friends Author Shannon Hale and New York illustrator LeUyen Pham join forces in this graphic memoir about how hard it is to find your real friends—and why it's worth the journey.
- Release the beast Release the Beast is a fun and quirky picture book which allows a child to respond to his frustrations by unleashing his imaginary beast.
- Rick Award-winning author Alex Gino explores what it means to search for your own place in the world and the importance of having good people around you.
- Rising tide/He tai pari An engaging junior fiction self-help text for ages 8-12 that follows Ari through a series of challenging events and resolution. The book includes peer reviewed therapeutic lesson plans and family exercises.
- Seeing gender: An illustrated guide to identity and expression Whether LGBTQ+, cisgender, or nonbinary, a must-read for curious people who care about how we see and talk about gender and sexuality in the 21st century.
- Seeking Civility: How leaders, managers & HR can create a workplace free of bullying Written from the author's own experiences as a consultant focused on workplace bullying and positive workplaces.
- Soulfire Soulfire is a great book that teaches good morals and the importance of doing the right thing.
- Stand Up!: Be an upstander and make a difference A resource for teachers, parents, sports coaches, community leaders, workplaces, or just anyone that wants to teach children and adults the importance of being an upstander to make the world a better place.
- Starving the anger gremlin This imaginative workbook shows young people how to starve their anger gremlin and control their anger effectively.
- Step up! My anti-bullying activity book This activity book provides a wide-ranging set of activities for a child to unpack their experiences of bullying.
- Stick and Stone Stick and Stone are on their own, until a chance encounter with a boorish bully (Pine Cone), inspires Stick to stick up for stone. The new pals head off on an adventure and discover that friendship really rocks.
- Stick up for yourself: Every kid's guide to personal power and positive self-esteem Questions from real kids are paired with answers about how to handle specific situations calmly, confidently, and effectively.
- Supporting Aotearoa's Rainbow People - A practical guide for mental health professionals The first thing that strikes you about Supporting Aotearoa's Rainbow People is its colour - the native flora and fauna that adorn its pages thanks to the design and illustration talents of Bo Moore.
- Tama Sāmoa A resource for teachers of Pasifika students to gain insight into how the world looks and feels for them.
- Teine Sāmoa This resource aims to develop the cultural confidence of NZ teachers in order to better support our tamaiti in succeeding as proud teine and tama Sāmoa.
- The big little book of resilience The Big Little Book of Resilience is about developing flexibility, acceptance and self-compassion when those plans go awry.
- The big umbrella This story invites readers of all ages to think about what their own 'umbrella' looks like. It is a story about inclusion, connection and hospitality, a book that is deceptively simple in its depth.
- The boy at the back of the class Told with heart and humour, this story is a child's perspective on the refugee crisis, highlighting the importance of friendship and kindness in a world that doesn't always make sense.
- The boys in the Waka Ama This story is a great way to demonstrate and perhaps initiate a discussion on the values of teamwork, dedication, leadership and respecting Aotearoa's cultures.
- The bully, the bullied and the not so innocent bystander Parenting educator Barbara Coloroso reveals the dynamics that give rise to bullying and what parents, schools, and communities can do to stop, heal, and prevent it
- The bystander effect: The psychology of courage and how to be brave Psychologist Catherine Sanderson uses real-life examples, neuroscience and the latest psychological studies to explain why we might be good at recognising bad behaviour but bad at taking action against it
- The Chill Out Chair series The Chill Out Chair is the second book in the Nicholas story series. We learn how the Calm Down Chair got its new name, the Chill Out Chair.
- The Gubyllub An easy-to-read rhyming story about Rose, who used to be a bully, and how she found her way back to being kind.
- The kindness snippet jar The story suggests to the reader that whilst doing kind things for others is great, "Sometimes all it takes is doing something kind for someone right in front of you!"
- The little tiger with the big temper: A story of mindfulness, meditation and conscious communication This book can help adults navigate and soothe a child's challenging emotions and to introduce to children the benefits of mindfulness and self-regulation
- The no more bullying book for kids A book that empowers children to become ‘strong, happy and bully-proof’ versions of themselves, while giving parents and teachers alike the tools and resources to open up important conversations at home and school.
- The prettiest A novel about about standing up for yourself and those around you.
- The proudest blue: A story of Hijab and family An uplifting, universal story of new experiences, the unbreakable bond between siblings, and of being proud of who you are. Sibling Faizah tells the story of her older sister, Asiya's, first-day wearing a hijab at school.
- The savvy ally: A guide for becoming a skilled LGBTQ+ advocate If you’re interested in being an effective ally to the LGBTQ+ communities then put this book on your required-reading list.
- The smelly giant / Tio tiamu The Smelly Giant/Tio Tiamu, tells the story of Toe Butter/Tio Pata, a big friendly giant shunned by the people of his village because he was different.
- The survival guide to bullying: Written by a teen Author, Aija Mayrock, offers guidance as well as different strategies that helped her get through even the toughest of days.
- The teacher’s guide to resolving school bullying This practical book helps teachers better understand the causes of bullying, and provides them with the tools to develop pupil-led anti-bullying campaigns.
- What is empathy? A bullying storybook for kids Two sides to every story--helping kids learn compassion and understanding by putting themselves in someone else's shoes.
- Workplace bullying: A costly business phenomenon An updated and revised edition of this book supported by Needham’s Legacy Trust.
- You can stop bullying: Stand by or stand up? In this illustrated choose-your-own-ending book, Elizabeth witnesses John getting bullied and readers make choices, with each story path leading to a different consequence.
- You, me and empathy This charming story uses verse, beautiful illustrations and a little person called Quinn to model the meaning of empathy.
- Young Queen Young Queen is the autobiography of Parris Goebe a dancer with a dream ... a young Polynesian girl who grew up in New Zealand and went on to conquer the hip hop world.
Kōrero Mai, Kōrero Atu, Mauri Tū, Mauri Ora
Speak Up, Stand Together, Stop Bullying!