
Kaitiaki ia rā
You have the power to prevent bullying! Research shows more than half of bullying situations (57%) stop when tauira/students intervene.


A person who sees or knows a bullying incident is occurring to someone else. 



A person who uses words and actions that can help someone who is being bullied.

The five Upstander actions

There are a range of helpful actions you can take if you feel safe enough to do so.

1. Āwhinatia / Support the person experiencing bullying

  • Awhi the person being bullied, even if you just stand beside them and let them know you’ve got their back.

  • Encourage them to ask a kaiako/teacher for help or go with them to get help.

  • Give them our Getting Help and Advice page.

  • Let them know they’re not alone!

2. Haukotia / Distract

Interrupt the bullying in some way:

  • Ask the person experiencing bullying if they want to go for a walk or do something else.

  • Help them to leave the situation they’re in.

3. Karangahia / Call it!

  • If you feel safe to, let the person/people doing the bullying know what they’re doing isn’t okay.

  • Use your words to show aroha and kindness to those involved.

  • Don’t stand by and watch. It can be hard to speak up in the moment but it can make a huge difference.

4. Taihoa ake, ka haumaru / Leave and act

If you don’t feel safe to step in while the bullying is happening:

  • Move away from the situation.

  • Later, let the person experiencing the bullying know you saw and ask what might help.

  • You might want to have a quiet word with the person doing the bullying.

5. Tautokohia / Get some other help

  • Support the person being bullied to get help from others – whānau, kaiako, a trusted adult or a helpline and then act on their advice.

Kōrero Mai, Kōrero Atu, Mauri Tū, Mauri Ora
Speak Up, Stand Together, Stop Bullying!
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