Book Reviews
Arotake pukapuka
Play your best card
Review by Briar Matthews, Bayfield High School
A team-based game that encourages teens to have conversations on a range of topics relevant to young people.
Promised Land
Review by Demi Cox, Bookseller
Promised land is an LGBTQIA+ themed children's book written by Adam Reynolds & Chaz Harris with illustrations by Christine Luiten.
Rainboy: The brightest colors shine from within
Reviewed by Jake Nankervis, Kaiāwhina tautoko
This book explores concepts of differences, acceptance, popularity and loving yourself for who you are.
Rising tide/He tai pari
Review by Anna Mowat, Family Advisor at All Right?
An engaging junior fiction self-help text for ages 8-12 that follows Ari through a series of challenging events and resolution. The book includes peer reviewed therapeutic lesson plans and family exercises.